Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Now I'm a fat house cat

Iron & Wine "Flightless Bird, American Mouth"

I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere
Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

making whoopie.

A few months back I was on the hunt for a dessert recipe for the company "bake-off" and I found several takes on the "whoopie pie." As a child, I had a few of these tasty cookie-pie treats but lost touch with them...until now.

The whoopie pie is making its comeback!

Apparently, only a few "El" stops away, is Kim's Kitchen http://www.kimsevanston.com/index.html that's been bakin' up these tasty pies for seven years now. Not only do I intend to nosh my way through this "Edible Nostaligia" via local bakeries, but I plan on making my own variation of this whoopie pie, cake, err cookie. Pumpkin, raspberry or chocolate--whatever tantalizes the taste-buds, really.

Once I have perfected my own take on "whoopie"-making...I'll share :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

"whatcha talkin 'bout willis?"

This morning I was reading about the upcoming name change of the Sears Tower. At first I was confused and thought it was a stupid joke but as I was perusing the Trib, I found this article: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-fri-willis-tower-0313-mar13,0,1361480.story

I usually don't care too much about things like this but as I kept reading on about the company and why they are changing the name to Willis Towers...I kind of wanted to puke. It's true, I'm not the most loyal Chicagoan--I grew up in the burbs and went to college out-of-state. As I live here longer I appreciate it this city much more. This became obvious to me when I acknowledged my reaction to this whole situation.

One takeout from the article read:
"Would you rather have an iconic building with nobody in it, which doesn't say a lot about Chicago, or someone with enough faith to take the space?" he asked. "The headline should be: A company has decided to invest money in Chicago, and if you miss that headline, you've missed the side of the building by a mile and a half."

This guy, Joseph Pulmeri, Willis' CEO is a grade-A D-bag. Gawd. Why is it such a big freaking deal for them to even change the name in the first place? It's my belief that they'd get alot more business if they stayed with the name Sears Tower than Willis Towers. WTF? Why spend unnecessary money to change everything just so you can brand your stupid holding company.

"...in Chicago, say consumers and branding experts, it's just not that simple, because the city's attachment to the building is far more complex than recognizing its economic contribution. This is a city with a deep appreciation of tradition and a healthy ego, where some Chicagoans still mourn the switch from Marshall Fields's to Macy's."

Keep on trying Willis, but I think time will show that you can't change loyalty--no matter how hard you try.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

magpie to the morning.

Magpie comes a calling
Drops a marble from the sky
Tin roof sounds alarm
And wake up child
Let this be a warning says the magpie to the morning
Don't let this fading summer pass you by
Don't let this fading summer pass you by

Black hands held so high
The vulture wheels and dives
Something on the thermals
Yanked his chain
Smelled your boring apex
Rotting on the train tracks
He laughed under his breath
Because you thought that you could outrun sorrow
Take your own advice
Thunder and lightening gets you rain
Run an airtight mission, a Clouseau expedition
To find a diamond at the bottom of the drain
A diamond at the bottom of the drain

Hear the mocking bird sing
In the middle of the night
All of his songs are stolen so he hides
Stole them out from whiporwills
Screaming common lies
He sings them for you special
He knows you're afraid of the dark
Come on sorrow
Take your own advice
Hide under the bed
Turn out the light
Stars this night in the sky are ringing out
You can almost hear them saying
"Close your eyes now kid"
"Close your eyes now kid"

Morning is too far lit
They are waiting
They are waiting

~neko case~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the pic.

So, many of us are guilty of taking pictures of ourselves and posting them on Facebook or MySpace. You know...the one you actually took of yourself but cleverly disguised it as another's doing. The up-close shot of you looking away into the abyss, acting unaware of this photograph being taken by your own hand. I'm guilty of this and not ashamed. In fact, I find these photos to be hilarious...and flattering as hell.

What isn't flattering are those pictures that you suddenly get a notification of on your newsfeed. You know the line: "So-and-so has tagged you in a picture". My instant reaction is to click on the link and investigate this photo. Most of the time these pictures aren't so bad and can actually become the "profile picture" but there are always a few that come back to bite you in the ass. It is at these times that I "detag" myself and hope they will just go away or noone else will notice it is me.

So what do you do when someone "tags" you in a photo and continues this process even after you've "un-tagged" yourself? Well, no matter how you try to shake it, there is a simple lesson to be learned (which I found from reading: http://www.slate.com/id/2212301/): "You can never be too cool for your past." This may be sad and true, but I will continue to "detag" myself from any unflattering pictures...even if it means receiving snarky, yet true, comments or the possible loss of a Facebook friend.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The McNuggetini.

Sometimes people take things too far.

The McNuggetini.

A McDonald’s chocolate milkshake with vanilla vodka, rimmed with BBQ sauce and garnished with a chicken McNugget.